• Clinical application of Central Venous Catheter

    Central venous catheterization allows for an adequate therapy of critically ill patients during complex therapeutic interventions, especially in anesthesia, intensive care and emergency.

  • Why do we need invasive blood pressure monitoring?

    Blood pressure refers to the lateral pressure in blood in a blood vessel against a unit area of the blood vessel wall. The method of measuring blood pressure can be divided into non-invasive monitoring and invasive monitoring, among which non-invasiv

  • Why choose Hisern's Video laryngoscope ?

    Question 1: Does Video laryngoscope Increase theSuccess Rate of Tracheal Intubation?

  • Why choose Hisern's Breathing Filters?

    As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, filtration of mechanical ventilation, such as used in intensive care and anesthesia settings, has become an essential factor in infection control.

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